Monday, April 30, 2007


These two dreams were... unusual. I don't know if it was from the V8 or the odd conversations and things that were done that day but it caused very odd dreams. None of which, I would really care for [though maybe the second one would be nice]. I'm sorry if any of my dreams offend anyone for just because I dream it doesn't mean I see the world that way.

Dream One-
We, Ken, Maro, and I, were invited to Dan's place. It was a moderately luxurious and quaintly cute place. Too bad they wouldn't let us leave. Why? We weren't Mormon's. The people who invited there had virtually kidnapped us to do a strange form the of Inquisitions. Convert or stay.

We ran and hid. Eventually, I stumbled upon Dan at a living room. relief swept over me, I was scared to death of the whole thing, I'd rather die than convert [plain out religious stubbornness/devoutness]. Dan gave us a "I told you so" sort of speech on why we shouldn't come here. He made a promise to help us out of this whole ordeal.

An older, browner person who a had vague family resemblance to Dan, came into the room. He introduced himself as Dan's brother and ensured us he was related to Dan and wouldn't harm us.

The dream blanks out on me, I assume that we were taking Dan's advice on how to get out... As we ran, an acquaintance form school came into the dream. He wanted us to convert [I find this completely laughable considering the fact that he's a devout atheist]. In the end, we barely made it out alive.

Dream Two-
The beginnings are a bit fuzzy, I know I ran around a mall for a bit and prevented Ken from an early grave, but these things don't seem relevant to the long... strange dream...

I find myself at a white square [not the square, a square]. A guy and a girl are with me. All of us share one thing in common. We were, unwillingly, becoming some nontraditional form of vampires, each after a unique experience. [For a bit it's in 3rd POV so I assume I was 17-19] The guy, got it via kissing. The girl, I have no freaking idea. Me, I think I may have met some guy [probably a vampire] and I don't have the slightest clue on how he could have passed on his "vampirey-ness" onto me. [No biting or junk like that].

Out of all of them, I had the most powers. The white square we were in, I copied it and threw it into a parallel universe, aka, my world. I could enter it at anytime and I managed to take the other two with me. In there I had a blue/black hummer, a motorcycle, a [skull/fire] cat, and some other stuff. All of which were morphed into some sort of Gothic theme.

I tried to live life like nothing had changed. But, things weren't the same. My parent's rich neighbors liked me. My Jewish Grandmother was fond of me. [I suspect she didn't like me because I was a shiska] She was nice to me as we ate lunch at some overly decored lobster/seafood restaurant.

At one part I was at a building [where the words Buenos Aires popped in my head], where six elevator floors= 100 normal floors. I did something and pink floors were added. I came back later to find them replacing my pink floors with more bland floors [something about a news comment of "elementary school's should show off].

As I go off to kill Poseidon, near the end of the dream [it was the guy who I guess was my master's will]. I learn that every piece of land I take into my own world gave the two from the beginning of the dream "the incentive to kill." No guilt or regret was felt in learning that. My powers had grown and I enjoyed it. I killed Poseidon and it ended before I even got to go back onto land.

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