Saturday, April 21, 2007


Ah, I guess last night's dream[s] was a make up for yesterday's bad day. I had one, well technically two dreams, second half lucid but with limited control [at first intentionally]. Dream time was a new record, 2 and 1/2 days. I almost got to a city in FFXII [almost accomplished that 'dream' dream].

I find myself leaving a home at mid-afternoon. I walk all about the place, part of me wondering if I might actually find work, but most of me was just absorbing the scenery. So many details, brick roads, stone buildings with wonderful windows [style depended on if it was a home or store], a strange bus stop near the home [with no time schedule but numbers and an A or B], so many things that I just etched into memory. Well... part of it was already provided by my very limited dream memories [typically my memories for a dream aren't more than I'm staying at a possible friend's place and I'm without a job].

When I come back to the home, the sun's setting and bus 88 was leaving. I walked inside to find a DC [friend? or more?] who looked a lot like Ahmon in Devil Beside You [a Taiwanese drama]. A girl was there too, she was a supposed friend but she turned out to be a real bitch. She slept on the couch that night and both he and I shared the bed [hence why I question our friendship].

*I wake up for a minute or two and re-enter the dream lucid*

We're at a Miyavi concert [major clue that I'm dreaming]. The Ahmon look-alike gets all jealous as the 'friend' and I happily enjoy the music.

On the way back, I find myself without my wallet and don't think of summoning it, but rather take a 5 cent piece on the counter and use it to help pay for my 55 [no idea what the currency was] gift for the Ahmon look-alike. Upon closer inspection of the two quarters I thought I summoned into my pockets [funny how I'll do change by not a whole wallet] to find them without Washington's head but with an angel wing instead that reminded me of something in FFXII.

I try to give it to him but he won't take it. Back at the home, the girl adds oil to his fire saying that I've never been that enthused at his concerts [by then he was Ahmon from Devil Beside You with the only a few changes like him being in the band The Wall]. So when I get there he's all pissed at me and I'm all frustrated. I at least try to grab my wallet on his dresser but the girl doesn't let me, she holds me back. I realize that she's doing all this because she wants Ahmon so I just leave, to prevent myself from saying anything that'd ruin our [Ahmon and mine's] relationship.

I cross the roads near the stores and find Ju there, all dressed in white. He's being all nice to me and convinces me to hear him out and follow him. He told me some sagely things that are rather personal. We go to the lake portion of the park [where cement steps go into the water]. I go down one step further to feel the water [so I'm not only smelling it and checking its temperature]. I jump back up in shock, it wets the bottom portion of my pants and Ju only smiles.

I lose him as we walk back up to the corner of the park near the road... and find myself hoisted up by a lithe Jamaican teen playing a strange touch tag volleyball game and they were using me as a tag marker. I got away from them and ran down the sidewalk to find two birds. One a bird you'd find in my school's outdoor vent system in its nest squawking at a stork with a messed up beak only a branch higher in its pine leaf nest. The small bird starts to pull away at the stork's nest and both nests fall to ruin, the eggs falling to their grave.

"Ah, that stork's one egg should have splattered more on that car's corner [forest green hummer]" my carpool commented. Ju agreed.

And I walked off, feeling that I had learned something but not sure exactly what.

I almost made it off to Ahmon's place. Until I saw the buses. Bus 96B, 88A, 1122777122... that last one made me turn back and walk off once I saw my carpool and Persian Teddy Bear get in it. It was the army recruit bus. I tried to warn them but they jumped in, killing my desires to jump on a bus and go to Rabanastre and avoid Ahmon. Their leaving, though they are not close to me in real life, made me depressed so I walked off to the mall to feel better. On the way I saw the place Ahmon worked at, serving tea, and it only reminded me further that in this world, I'm jobless and magic wise, extremely limited. [After all, I was slowly transforming that world into FFXII, though it was a painstaking kind of slow since I wasn't really too focused on that goal at that time].

At the mall I went to a store in the narrow walkway half of the mall to find it to be one of those places that trick and record people.

"Hey, I love your guys' shows, I watch them now and then," I said to the host who was working on the entrance.
"What part do you work for?" he asked.
"Only the production people typically watch this part." I felt somewhat lost but said I'd help them find someone to trick.
I did, and she fell for it miserably.
"Man she was hard to find..."[-host]
"What do you mean? You only go past the beer aisle, the water aisle, the wine aisle that's also the beer aisle... Oh I see what you mean" I responded as I tried to memorize that fake supermarket. I did get some frozen edamame for my efforts though.

So, with a bag of freezing soy, I skipped merrily back to Ahmon's, certain that with this bag of food I'd be able to make him forgive me. At the home, the 'friend' had disappeared and I had no intention of thinking about her whereabouts in case I accidentally summoned her to Ahmon's font door. He apologized to me and we celebrated with my food that he laughed at when I told him was his gift. [I love soy so it's more for me than him ^^']. I told him of my desires to see Rabanastre ASAP so he told me he'd quit his job and we'd go together. We slept in the same bed that night too.

It was noon when I woke up. Ahmon said he's put in his two weeks notice and since today's his day off, he'd take me to the tennis courts. We jumped into his jeep and drove out of the city to the beginning of a forest from FFX. He wanted to check the side roads so we first went down the left one, which took us into the marsh/bogs. A scion [I think that's what they're called] popped up and fought him so I kept using my only two mastered spells, Shell and protect. He beat it, Verdun was it's name but I'm not certain since it's also the name of the Treaty of Verdun and a possible location called Verdun, Europe too.

He drove us up the vertical tree branch that led us into the bog and went down the right one. We were attacked by a Kirin, Fenrif(sp?), and water dragon scion. I did the same thing I did last time and since they only attacked one at a time though all three saw us at once [and we, them]. He kicked their butt. Drove us back up onto the main road. Almost into the forest where the tennis court was. But then I woke up.

I'm happy about this dream, I may not have gone to a FF city but I did get to go to a Miyavi concert, stay almost three days in a dream [means I'm improving on time dilation], and saw very interesting things. Now if only I could meet my Dream guide or see Zeki...

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