Wednesday, April 11, 2007


One long dream [well, I consider it one]. Not lucid but I had enough control to re-enter the dream after I woke up and went back to bed.

It was like a strange 20th century Gothic-styled world. I found myself not alone, but with four people, a guy named Faust [think he's named after that one Spanish cartoon I'm curious about], his friend, my friend, and a friend of Faust who his other friend didn't know. There was a lot of running and I was with the first friend, who I have no name of [he was Asian, tall, and had strong facial features that were very handsome on him], I'll just call him... Otoko. So, Otoko and I ran around the place a lot, following Faust.

Before I woke up for the first time, Faust was dead and Otoko passed on his spirit with me and the other girl as his witness, via a kiss on the mouth. I felt the kiss, or imagined I did, remembering that Otoko was a self-proclaimed ghost. My theory is that he was someone who ensured that souls left this world and went onto the next.

When I went back to sleep, I found myself in Publix. I asked an elderly man where something I needed was, knowing that I had $10 on me. He said he'd show me. He stopped at the cart return and told a co-worker, "Today we have the West side, aisles 1, 3, and 5." He took so long that i walked off without him, remembering where the items were and wondering why the lighting was so bad. He yelled at me and followed me there before going back to work.

I found what I was looking for, looked at two or three books by the same person, one said something like, "tea times 10, talk about normal things at 9" and a few about why gay people should be happy about who they were. I walked off with a random [not either of the two] book in my hands along with a bag of Smarties, candy, muffin tins, and something else.

At the register I realize that I only have $6 on me so I return everything but the last two items listed thinking, "Why does this always happen to me? I know I had $10 on me."

When I paid the $2.49 in cash, they made me sign on their retarded electronic pad that kept screwing up my signature so many times. The cashier was patient with me until I was done when he complained that if you're coming to Publix for something, buy something more than muffin tins and something else I had bought.

I left, angry that he'd have the nerve to yell at me, I walked back to my apartment thinking things like not everyone has the luxury of driving or such and such.

At the small one roomed apartment [with no bathroom] in the two story complex with only two residents, I tossed away my things and decided I'd look to see if Otoko kept dead friends' bodies once their souls passed on. I walked out of my Asian sized door [everything in Asia is smaller than the things in America, and that's no joke] to the staircase to the right of the door. When I got to the second floor, I noticed three doors down the hall to the left of me, two closed, one in the back of the left side open.

I went to the one in the back, knowing that's where he stored his stuff [he owned all of the second floor]. It was freezing in the unlit room caked in ice cream and whatever junk he owned. I mentally complained that his second floor was bigger than my first floor and that it seemed illogical. I kept looking for Faust's body to find a long rectangular box. I opened it to find not a body, but a calender.

Somehow, a friend had followed me there [she liked Otoko] and was pestering me as to what I was holding was. I ran from her, and being faster, was able to run into one of the closed rooms [first room on the left of of hallway, to the right of the room that I found the calender in]. I didn't manage to lock the door, though I had tried, but she didn't follow me there.

After a sigh of relief that I hadn't awoken Otoko [who was sleeping on the floor in that room] or been chased by the friend, I slid down to the ground and opened up his calender. Flipping through it, I found out that November had the same blue and green palm-treed picture on each week [calendar went by weeks, not months]. I assumed it was his 'death month' or what I'd call his birth month since he claimed that he was a ghost but he wasn't see-through or cold and I could definitely touch him at will.

Otoko woke up. Before I knew what to do with myself, I was pinned to the ground, Otoko [in deep purple silk robes] on top of me, legs on either side of me. It would of been embarrassing or scary if I didn't know him as my neighbor, be in public, or didn't like him. He leaned forward so that our faces were close and huskily asked, "What exactly are you doing?"

"Looking through your calendar." He sighed and got off me. I sat up and asked, "Why are November's pictures all the same?"

He told me a story of a time long ago when he was travelling the world. He was in a tropical place and staying with wealthy natives who had it all. A strange bird-like animal attacked their home and ruined all their fortunes and basically made them poor.

"You're life's over, you've lost everything" he whined to them sadly.
"How can it be? We have have everything here," said the man of the family, "we have each other, and with that, we can live on, whether dead or not."

Somehow it related to him being a 'ghost.'

"But you're not a ghost, I can feel you," I commented.

He got angry, I was always saying that to him, and yelled, "I'm an apparition for crying out loud."

I didn't feel hurt by it, still in happy blushing gal. "Oh yeah? Then can you explain to me where all my money's been going mister ghost," I teased/taunted.

"About that, you'll need to make more this month, I can't be funded with my job with only a measly $625," he muttered, embarrassed.

Angry me.... Grrr gar "That was you! I've been working so hard to make up for my lost money when it's been going to feeding and paying for you and your job?!?"

"Well, I needed a source of income and I've known you for a long time..." (he added in quietly, "and lived a long time too")

Then alarm clock went and ruined my happy dreams... I'm definitely going to try to dream up that 'ghost' DC again, he was nice, and cute, and an interesting character. Hopefully I'll have a lucid dream tonight, I stopped trying WBTB for now since I'm too lazy to write down my dreams when I first wake up so it screws up my entire dream recall and makes it pointless to do it since it won't make it easier to become lucid.

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