Tuesday, April 24, 2007


...And I say this unto thee "dreaming and ill are two words that should never be used together" they cause for bad results. I remember two of my dreams but I know I had more. I had no dreams from my nap because I think I was only half-asleep [for 2+ hours].

Dream 1-
I'm at a mix of my middle school and my assigned High school It was near the dram department and I ran into an old pal, Matto. I wanted to act in one of his plays but he wouldn't let me. "Only drama club members can enter this play" he said.

"So can I see one of your plays?" He took me to stage which projected a life-like copy of him dancing as Pan [Greek goat-boy; representation of my myth skit?]. It made me just so happy to listen to him play the flute and clap his hooves together. I never realized I was dreaming but I was quite content and enjoyed the performance with all the forest stumps and mushrooms that set the scene.

Dream Two-
I willed this one away because I became lucid right before my alarm clock went off and the first thought that came to my head was "Hell No! There is no way I'm going to want to remember such a preppy dream." So I forgot it. I know that I couldn't see in that dream [or at least remember doing so] and all I heard were preppy people talk to me about trivial things.

I'm feeling better today but that's the last time I let anyone other than myself prepare the tea to steam myself with. There was so much eucalyptus that it burned my throat raw and made me cry buckets...

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