Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I'm sorry. I've been lazy lately so the 12 dreams from Friday night to today aren't recorded, not to mention the other dreams I had between the 13th and my last post...

I've been taking sleep aids again, teas, melatonin, herbal essences, etc. My dreams are just as clear, though it's hard to become lucid. In at least one of each nights' dreams I've coem close to it, but then my brain adds in some funny little form of logic that I seem to accept, like with the last dream I had last night [the only one I bothered to actually remember]. consequently, I won't write down my other dreams, some were really short, some were really odd. Either way, I'm not quite out of my lazy spurt yet.

It starts off with me in a mansion, on a couch. I find myself listening in on Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo's conversations about their mothers. [I think this relates to me being forced to watch FFVII Advent Children Saturday, don't know anything about them save for the movie and random stuff] I mess around with the quality of the dream [I had control and may have been lucid the first three minutes of the dream because I'm the one who caused them to talk about their mothers]. Kadaj whined about his mom being a writer. Yazoo said his was a musician. Loz had no clue. We ended up going to some rich woman's house and I helped them steal a blue flower that Kadaj wanted [who knows why]. I woke up after we snatched the prize and ran down a staircase home. It was a really chatty dream, but fun all in all.

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