Sunday, April 1, 2007


Hah, I finally get a chance to do a WBTB and it breaks my dry spell! I had three dreams, the first two forgotten because I didn't bring my dream journal with me, I remembered it the ten minutes I was up but that was it...

I was in a cave again, but not alone. I, along with six other 'amateurs,' to be evaluated by eight 'upper class men.' What'd they do? Use magic to fight us, I don't know what they called it or if it was magic or what-er-not but it used the elements in pseudo-scientific ways. I became lucid while continually, and narrowly, dodging attacks that mainly where focused on me from two guys.

I tried to use magic to fight back, but this was a low control lucid, for no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't use it at my usual level. I tried a bit too hard trying to make my gale stronger and the dream faded, so I quickly focused on the first thought that came to mind [oddly enough, it was pokemon... stupid nephew] and reminded myself that I was dreaming.

I found myself at a nurse's house with one of the pink pokemon, not the one with the egg, who was talking to me. I suggested that, since it sucked at elements, to learn some basic healing magic as I flipped through one of it's charm books, thinking about what'd it'd be like to re-enter my previous dream scene.

While trying to read the charm out loud for the thing to memorize, I thought to myself rather firmly that after I'm done saying this chant, I'll end up back in that cave.

It worked! I had little time to celebrate as one of the DCs tossed a job upon me to go fight some ice elemental demon that lived to the right of this tunnel in it's underground mansion. I tried to decline and toss it on one of the upper class men, forgetting that I had absolute control over this dream, so they ended up sticking it on me anyways. One of the 'teachers' said to me something about how they know that I'm strong or something or another.

I guided sixteen or so people to the mansion full of iced walls. At the stair case, lucky me has to free two of the girls who get stuck on some forever melting/re-freezing ice blocks. I try to make them float onto safe land, but the weight of them and the sections of floor make it too heavy and they end up falling into oblivion... Well, one does, the other I managed to telelport back to us in time. I think the other girl just ended up a prisoner or died... [well I didn't think of her dying but it was a long drop]

We continue up the stairs where we branch off to make this a quick job. I screw up and run back to the beginning area of the dream where I reset time so that I'm re-energized, that one girl's back, and I know where I should start putting up my guard.

The girls get stuck again so this time I just teleport them to my side. We went back upstairs and I fought a load of ghost/demons while the others went off to clean out the place while searching for some chains needed to get rid of the owner of the mansion. I learned, rather comically, that in the dreamworld I need to work on my fire abilities more, I tried to fry a ghost and all that came out was a white flame small than ones found on candles. I ended up freezing him with liquid nitrogen I summoned and blowing him to bits with a tornado...

So yeah, in a nutshell, that was my dream, hopefully this lucid means many more to come.

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