Friday, April 6, 2007


One or maybe two dreams, I couldn't remember it when I woke up but it came back to me while taking one of my many breaks from housework.

I was at a place where they have loads of little stores like a mall or airport, maybe an indoor flea market. The first store that came into view was a mundane, white walled store with bamboo shutters at the entrance, shelves of mundane things, and a white sign on the middle wall that had the store name on it in green. "No wonder there's no customers," I thought as I watched the shopkeeper in her kimono pace through the aisles.

Moving forward, I found a nice store with something there that I must of liked, I know that the tables/counters were a rich, polished brown, made of wood I think.

Next thing I know, I'm home with my school bag, rushing to my room. I find it extremely odd that my bad was empty once I peered into it in my room that lacked all things that would imply it's a bedroom at all. I found a piece of trash in it, a sliver of my bag, and 'planned' to throw it out since if it were gone, it'd be perfectly clean. Like many of my dream 'plans' it was never carried out, I think I decided that either it wasn't worth my time or I could do it later [I'm veering towards the latter of the two].

Sadly enough, I was so close to being lucid here because I know when I took a good long look into my bag I thought, "Could this be a dream?" Dream logic pounced onto me and said, "Nah, I just emptied it earlier and that's why it's so clean."

I find a toilet in my room and flush it since, grossly enough, there was urine in it. The toilet had to fight with me. It wouldn't flush. So I tried again, this time closing the lid... It worked, but not in anyone would want it to. Water gurgled up and forced the lid to open up. The toilet water attempted to soak me several times, only succeeding once [no urine in it by then, only water, it's still a yucky thought though]. The rest soaked into my carpet.

I screamed for my dad, who came. I explained to him what happened and he said he'd call maintenance later. I asked why couldn't he do it now, he said that they don't work past 4. At that point I was wondering why a toilet was in a carpeted room, let alone my room, but I shrugged it off with an urge to go to the bathroom.

When there, my mom told me to "get closer to Mrs. Johnson."

My response? "You mean L-chan?"

Brows furrow, "No, Mrs. Johnson." [Note- there are no Mrs. Johnson's I no of, I only know of a Ms. Johnson who is L-chan]

She walked off and I headed to the kitchen, which happened to magically be L-chan's kitchen in my house.

Her- "Watch you up to?"
Me- "Nothing much"

We stay there and talk, it ends there with me thinking about how yucky choco pop tarts are.

The other part, the possible second dream; I was sitting on a rubber coated metal bench in Disney World wondering indifferently when Mickey's parade would get over here.

It switched to third POV and I see Mickey Mouse with large round foiled wrapped things of chocolate that reminded me of golden-foiled vanilla wafers.

'Kristine' ran off once it went off into 1st POV and I ran after her. She wasn't the real Kristine I know, just some DC who my mind said she was. When I caught up with her, Mickey Mouse gave me a rectangular shaped one that was wrapped in normal foil. He peeked under the foil for a moment before giving it to me. When he gave it to me, the thing was twice my size in length, before it was only the length of my forearm. I tore off the wrapping to find lots of heavy, huge, 9x6 inch dark choco bars that registered in my head as expensive.

I tottered back to the bench where Kristine was there, sitting on my mom's lap. I could have become lucid then too since I thought "the real Kristine isn't this short," but my mind labeled her in as my little sister. She wore a cue dress that was either a western dress with Asian styled stuff on it [because it sure as hell wasn't paisley though it was a soft turquoise] or a puffy kimono.

Wondering if it's really good to eat all this junk, I sat down with my 'family' [still on Lent though in my dreams my brain never seems to include it]. before I the thought to eat the candy ever crossed my mind, the lovely alarm clock of time telling told me that this was the time to get up.

So, no trees or Easter Bunny, but I did get to see the ever so irksome Mickey Mouse.

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