Thursday, April 19, 2007


I am going to be sick... stress plus greased up MCDonald's food's going to make tonight either hard to sleep or knock me out... But it was either that or pass out, I needed food more than I needed iron so it's fair. Four dreams that I thought at first were all one big dream but I realized when I analyzed it that if they were I would have remembered why I was doing whatever I was.

Dream One-
I was in a Church called La Igelsia de Santa Maria [I think that's a cemetery in San Juan and I hope I spelled church right]. It was a huge, elaborate Church that had a map that I couldn't seem to memorize. I find myself wandering there just wondering where should I go. I try to think of how to get where I want to go when I finally decide, but I couldn't seem to place it. I summoned a map while thinking about it but I didn't use it thinking, "I'll just memorize the church when I pass by a map" so that map's just left there, floating in the air [it was white and blue and only showed the first floor].

I find Maro-chan while wandering saying, "we'll film in the west hall in the North tower" to Fe, reminding me about our Odyssey skits.

"Hey Maro-chan, can you give me a tour of the Church, I seem to be lost...."

"Sure, just follow me," I lose her when we get near a staircase and the dream ends with me looking at a stained glass window.

Dream Two-
A building I recently and just barely left collapsed right behind me and I meet up with some fishy looking people. After loads of fighting, we manage to keep the broken building, make it's kitchen work, and make loads of pastries. Even though I helped out and did most of the work, Philly wouldn't let me help, he told me, "You can't help Michelle, you'll just get in the way."

The dream ends with me feeling dejected.

Dream Three-
I was at school in the Theater/Drama halls and a classmate came up to me and confessed his feelings for me. I, who had no special feelings for him nor wanted to hurt his feelings, didn't say no, so he kept pestering me. Near the end of the dream I tried to tell him that I couldn't return his feelings but my dream ended right when I had my chance.

Dream Four-
I'm out in the snow [big hint that I'm dreaming] trying to ask two redheaded twins about the age of 8 if they had seen the owner of the home we were in front of. They laughed and played and didn't bother with answering my question. So I pass out. They're gone when I do pass out and I don't see them until enough snow had piled up around me to make it look like I
fell from Shigure's roof [it was a Japanese style house and it was Shigure from Fruits Basket though I find it odd since I haven't read that series in two or three years]. I think while I was passed out, the boys went into Shigure's home and kept pestering him with questions about letting girls into homes.

A guy I must have known, who happened to be a Blondy haired, blue eyed hunk without a shirt on [he was sweaty and had on jeans], was looking for me and found me when he noticed a mahogany boot sticking out of the snow.

He carried me into Shigure's home and I regained my consciousness. I was so happy to see Shigure and we all talked [I don't think the Blondie was too happy since I seemed to be unaware of the perverted author's perverted nature]. I noticed his giant red dog bed that I sort of understood was for him.

He caught me staring at it and said, maybe to divert my attention, "You smell nice Misha [one of my many pseudonyms]!"

"It's your dog bed," barked the blond DC as if jealous [I was completely unaware of most of these things until the dream began to fade as my alarm clock went off]. I was just so happy to be able to say hi to Shigure 'today' and 'bump' into the blond Dc friend that I really wasn't aware of their emotions so much as Shigure's green causal kimono, the computer, the table, and all the scenery that I've never seen first hand in real life so I must have been semi-aware that i was dreaming, but still not lucid.

[Note- all of these dreams felt and were rather long so these are the shorter versions, the one that wasn't shortened was Dream 4]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank u ;-) you should look at that emo boy hair at this blog: