Friday, April 27, 2007


Two dreams last night. The first one, well, I could have lived without it. The second one... I could have lived without it too, I don't watch Avatar and my friends who do watch it haven't talked about ti around me since like what, January?!? Maybe my mind's trying to tell me something... I just need to figure out what...

Dream One-
I was stuck at my step grandmother's *grumbles* I love her and all, but her views, my ways, and our personalities clash... though she's oblivious to it, maybe I cover up my feelings well enough for her? Oh well, so back to the dream, I'm there and so is she, her weird club friends, my eldest niece, and two nephews are there as well.

It was a long, monotonous dream. I know I flicked off her friends when they were acting all catty over something minor. Then I was told to 'hang out with the kids.' Ooh, that really pushed it. But, I held firm and hung out with my dearly depressed niece. Poor gal, she's basically raising her own troublesome bros thanks to her mom [who wasn't present]. I didn't avoid her, but she didn't want to chat with me at the moment so I let her be and took up a turn of caring for her brothers so she could have some freedom. But taking care of them didn't distract me of those snooty elderly women. In fact I was fuming by then end of the dream. I'm not sure of what else went on in that dream, but it was so unlike me to let all those things get to me. I'm usually much more blase and mellow over what others say about me or other people.

Dream Two-
I know it had something to do with me flipping through a magazine in at the beginning of the dream. [Which just shows how slowly events sink into my dreams... bleh, FYI, I got a monthly magazine starting on March and it just now is affecting my dreams] A lot of random things happen after that. Something about elements and getting the energy in the Earth to stop making holes that shoot out oil. Somehow, that's a bad thing... [maybe because it can pollute
the land]. The rest is all a blur, but I know that I fall into a deep hole, seeing lots of pictures of the world as I do so. When I hit the ground, I start to gather chakra at the palm of my hand in an attempt to get the core of fire energy out of the ground. [I don't know how else to better explain it, but for those who've even dabbled in Reiki would understand what it feels like to get chakra concentrated into one spot]

There's a lot more I could add in about this dream, like the girl in an earth green workers kimono but the order of events are too jumbled up in my mind. Like running to and fro the other two holes in the ground. Or lounging in a water canal pipe [that's what it was, though I'm not sure how]. I might have been lucid at one point where I realized that this dream was so far fetched but I continued on with trying to save the world anyways *shrugs*.

PS- I used V8 last night and the dreams were much more vivid than they have been this week, life like clarity, yay!

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