Thursday, April 5, 2007


I had a very short lucid though the dream overall was really nice... well, if you consider highly realistic and very unusual 'nice' then it definitely was.

Dream- As soon as I entered the dream, I was lucid [though this dream was not a WILD, either a WBTB that required little wake time or a DILD that came my way]. It wasn't too vivid so I shouted, "Lucidity now," and the lucidity went up though I realized I yelled out the wrong thing and focused on my words yelling out, "Vivid increase." It may be really embarrassing but it's my dream and if any DC laughs at me for that, I'd probably yell at them or run off embarrassed [go figure].

There were no trees or Easter bunnies in my dream so I never remembered either one of the dream tasks for this month [otherwise I have a hard time remembering goals I have IRL]. After a few long minutes of staring at the world around me; the road, the wheel in my hands, the fact that I was sitting, I became aware that I was in a go cart... that my friends... is sadly where my 3-4 [extremely] short lucid ends. I realized someone was chasing after me, well, following me, and I drove off like mad.

Why was I avoiding him? I have no clue. I think in that dream the reasons were along the lines of he's a cop. What was it that made my mind think that? That's another one of the many questions I won't get answered [I mean I could next lucid, but it's not worth it]. So, as I was saying, I was on the road, speeding off in my go cart when I got back to the start area of the go cart driving course. Noticing that the guy wasn't there yet, I sprinted off to a fancy hotel.

At the hotel, the bell hop doesn't bug me as I stare at the two rooms I have to choose from, Room 1 and Room 2 [so properly labeled by their name plates]. Both of them I had checked out so it didn't really matter, but I was compelled for Room 2 so I took it. Closing the door behind me, though not locking it, I went off to the giant walk-in closet that included a vanity to talk to a woman no older than her 20s.

She informed me to go swindle someone, I do believe, and I was just about to waltz off to Room 1 to prepare for my next job as the man who was chasing me earlier barged in. In the nick of time, I hide. He asked the woman where I was, she responded with a "no clue." Exasperatedly, he let out a sigh and just stood there for a bit before he left. All the while I found myself chastising myself for blushing from involuntarily checking him out.

I continued to Room 1 and when I opened it, it took me a few long seconds to register what was wrong with the place. Men were there, really gross, slickster and modern day greaser guys, about 6-7. They hissed at me, so my great mind assumed the worst. Vampires. [Maybe this is a result of watching too many vampire shows with my mom when I was eight?]

They locked me in and I tried to defend myself against them. Nothing seemed to work so I poured holy water on them in desperation. Everyone stopped what they were doing. The guy I had doused looked at me, the vase, then his wet white T-shirt before laughing.

His pals joined in with the laughter as I took the opportunity to throw cooking oil on them [Canola oil]. I caught them on fire somehow, I didn't light them on fire with anything or willed it to be, it just happened. They all were burnt to ashes and I was left in a room that, albeit the ashes, looked perfectly fine. The guy from before popped up again and I happened to, before anything else happened, wake up.

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