Thursday, May 24, 2007


I was going to do a WBTB, but I forgot to set the alarm and slept straight through the night...

I was at some place for some sort of month long competition. It was really odd, they stick you out in the middle of nowhere, then they took us to a supermarket where we could buy anything so long as each of us did not go over a $3000 limit. I took a rice basket [not the typical kind, one that I think I've seen the the Philippines before, it was more like a bowl shaped version of this-] and began to fill my basket with vegetables, a steak, and other ingredients for me to cook with. At one point I left my basket unattended. My stuff was stolen and when I reported it to the money providers, they replaced all of my missing goods. [I was thinking that if it were a dream they'd do that and they did, but I didn't take the hint...] My roommate was supposed to watch it but as you can guess, he didn't.

Later on in the dream I find myself arguing with Rai-chan and Kev over sake bottles and cups. He wanted red, she wanted something else, and I wanted young jade ones. In the end I won. I ended up camping out in the supermarket with them... So over all, it was a random dream.

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