Saturday, May 5, 2007


Happy Cinco de Mayo [to those who celebrate it]! I had one, well, maybe more dreams [only bits of them]. I was trying to do a MILD, as advised by Squall, but I forgot about it after I awoke from my first dream cycle [heheheh, sorry] and turned off my alarm and went back to sleep...

The first tid bit had to do with me browsing Dreamviews and surfing the web in my room. I only remembered it thanks to talking to a friend about dreams today and it's fading out fast... I got it! I was surfing the web because I finally decided to search and memorize algorithms for the Rubik's cubes a friend of mine is obsessed with [he went crazy when our English teacher stole it from him and held it for two weeks just to see how the addict would fair].

Another part, I was messing with 'a' Rubik's cube. Well, it was more of three cubes stuck together in a line and you needed to get all the sides the same [I'm guessing the non-showing sides too]. I was getting frustrated since I could only remember the algorithm half-way through. Pwirrip came by and took it from me and with several quick turns, he managed to solve it. I was shocked and he shrugged it off. I convinced myself it was done quickly since I was only half done.

Later on, I was in a school with a bunch of catty, plain out bitchy cheer leading bullies that made me their next target. In the showering rooms, they framed me for acid-washing the floor tiles away to reveal the moldy grime below. I was peeved that others would believe them over me. Then, my Bath&Body Works body wash disappeared, it was a lavender/musk type. It was wearing on my patience... I went looking everywhere in the shower room with only a towel on in search of my soap. I think the fact that I didn't take the three others I found [same brand], mango, tropical, and vanilla/sugar, shows either that my preferences are making things harder on myself or I'm being too picky...

In the shower room, once I gave up on the search to finish showering, a dream friend came in. She needed my help. I, though the whole place was filled with showers, pulled out a blue tube top for her from a closet rack to my left.

The dream changed soon after. I was in the city and some sort of strange thing occurred. It's really hard for me to put it in the right words... After that, the world became like a big, lovey-dovey RPG video game. It wasn't long after that I woke up, but these series of dreams, I'll admit it, they aren't all one big dream, are interesting. I think tonight I'll try either a WBTB or MILD [again].

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