Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Sorry I haven't been writing for a while, I've kept my hand written journal moderately up-to-date [though it lacks Sunday's, Monday's, and last nights dream]. I'll post the rest today so that I don't make this dream journal blog [and journal] inefficient.

Last night's dream wasn't so wild, though it's setting was based on a haunted house/home I used to dream about a few times in my sleep last year. I got there by pressing a portable button similar to an easy button, teleporting 100 or so other people with me [no older than myself]. The haunted house had been shut down [good for me] and had been robbed of all its creepy stuff. Instead it was covered in cheap Valentine hearts and toliet paper, but for some reason, my fear of the place hadn't left me. [That's fairly reasonable since I'm paranoid beyond reason and become even more so thinking about a haunted house during the daytime or night]

So everyone explored it, I walked with a few friends down its long halls, freaking out when I saw a black zero move on a door before it opened slightly. A hand robbed the door of the zero, and put two red magnetic letters on it [an A and B I think]. I didn't say anything about it, but it still bothered me.

I led people to the dead end where seven or so doors sat, I remembered the old things in them and how those attempted murders [of me] took place in almost each of them so I flew back to the main area [the entrance similar to a giant cafeteria]. We counted to have about 129 people with us and since we wanted to split into groups of three that wouldn't work since we'd have one group of two [translating into the fact that one head was counted twice].

I found Bri in there, not wanting to go back there. I realized then that she was the 'hand' at that door. We talked a bit then I flew around the place teasing people since they didn't know how I could fly [I've like mastered the skill to the point of flying perfectly with my eyes closed]. Then I flew out of the cafeteria, into the town, up to a hill where a bookstore and a few other stores were. I looked at some of the books, all of them childish or boring.

I decided to go back to the cafeteria and jumped off of the hills [which had railings on the top since it was extremely steep and cliff-like] I fell three or four feet before I took flight. The end [really, what a pointless non-lucid dream, it was fall there and it must have been up North since the leaves were orange/red]

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