Monday, March 26, 2007


Two dreams, both non-lucid, though one was extremely odd....

Dream One-
I was in a store, looking for clothes to model in. One woman tried to help me and kept commenting on how great the clothes were, I agreed, but when I looked closely, I found out that these clothes weren't all that great, looks wise, material wise, etc.

I remember that the girl said, "Now if we can only find something that's good enough to make you look good," as I picked up a white and gray skirt. It peeved me and I left, heading off towards Wal-mart to go vent while the woman kept pleading for me to come back. It was dark out by then and I would have went to Wal-mart had I not for some reason woke up and sat straight up in my bed, confusingly staring at the VCR that read 12:03. I looked at it again before going back to sleep, it still said the same thing so I figured that I might as well sleep.

I woke up again at 3:42, assuming that I'd awoken just before the alarm went off until I saw the time, I glance at it a few more times before going back to sleep and having a child-themed dream.

Dream Two-
Jimmy Neutron themed, boring and artistically pitiful, even for animation. We were fighting some robot and kept doing so when the sun rose and it regained it's strength, I woke up then.

Random Note-
I talked to my dad yesterday about my Deja vu and how sometimes I change the ends of the deja vu scene in real life and have no clue what else I've changed in life. The reason I was telling him this was because of me remembering that Friday I had the longest Deja vu scene ever, 2-3 minutes of pure Deja vu that remained completely unchanged.

My dad said things I'd never have thought him to say, "You now, maybe it's not so much of deja vu as it is that maybe you're one of those people who have premonitions."

Now this here folks is an extremely odd thing for me to here him say considering he believes it's useless to lucid dream or remember dreams [my mom thinks it's semi-important to remember dreams because of Filipino superstitions and cultural beliefs]. He could be right for all I know, but I just don't know.

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