Saturday, March 31, 2007
I was in the car with my carpool people, well, just the carpool and his dad. We were getting tickets to fly to "Flying Glades" or somewhere that was in Northern Florida. Getting to the airport to get the tickets was... special. We drove around giant trees and were swung around by giant forest vines that wrapped around the car.
"Where are we going," I asked, since it wasn't the typical route to the airport.
"It's a shortcut," the father responded.
He may have said that, but once we were back on the road and in sight of the airport I bluntly stated, "from the amount of time it took for the vines to whiplash us all the way here, we could of been here by just going through the rings that that you down the tree." [Mind you, but that'd mean trusting a bunch of floating and glowing golden loops to guide you, in mid-air, down a tree by going around it several times.] They shrugged it off and I spent the rest of the car ride asking my carpool who's playing in the football game we were going to watch.
At the airport, which for a ticket counter had a movie theater's snack bar, the cashier glared at me as they bought our tickets for tapping a small case of lemon heads. You've of thought I was a thief or something.
Without a real need to go, I ran off to the bathroom to find it stall-less. [Which reminds me of a question a friend asked me relevant to this scene] I went to the bathroom anyways, not feeling self-conscious in the least bit.
There, I met up with Sam and ran around the airport that had magically become her home. She showed me around their new home. I really liked their backyard that was fenced near the lake, the yard was filled to the brim with water, sea plants, and tropical fish. [Suiting since it was fish Friday]
We talked a bit, then she went elsewhere. With nothing better to do, I ran off to a few empty rooms, each time, rather indifferently, thinking about suicide. Many different methods came to mind, though, none I was really for [cutting, hanging, jumping wouldn't work, no pills or poisons around, blah, blah, blah].
With the subduing thought that I could always think of a better way later, I went off to search for my friend. I found her father while searching and he said a few things to me, I left him after that.
I found my friend, we argued a bit then we somehow end up in a stone tower with pane-less and glassless windows on every floor and an elevator in place of stairs. A little kid was with me and we went up to the top floor where the magician/owner of the tower was trying to flood it with water and I'm thinking, " How's he going to flood this place? Oh well, it's going through the cracks and windows, I'm gonna drown in this flooded tower anyways." What a cracked up dream.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
It started with me, a large manor of a house, and a giant pool in the middle of everything. My parents were on vacation and put me in charge of our new home. Me, being the responsible person I am, converted my wing of the house into my job's secret agent mini-headquarters for us to work sleep and eat in. [I think it was a Russian-American spy relations thing 'cause it gave off that Russian air with a bit of American flair]
I go up to the second floor via tiny, marble elevator made of marble walls, it was really small, though the polished marble was pretty... Well, before I could say anything, one of my college's shouted out, "You need to catch that man already! If you don't make a move he'll get away!"
So we both went after the guy in a strange airport. We lose him for a bit so, while I'm still being yelled at, I run up a ramp (still inside the airport) into the air plane (which is in the airport). I find a server who I wouldn't have suspected if it weren't for the Hawaiian sunset boxer/shorts with a tag that said some Biblical verse on it that I read aloud. He freaked out and I realized it was him.
Back at home.base, I'm still being scolded by my higher ups. [I could describe the scenery but it was kind of odd, navy blue tile, black desks, white and gray walls, cafe tables substituting dining tables, wall-less offices and some bed 'rooms' that were made with only three walls as well, two guys, two girls there, including me] A gruff, red-head, gun loving woman kept telling me that I'm good at what I do, but I'm just "too damn lazy to get anything done."
They didn't assign a mission for me right away so I sung out, "I'm making sweet potato curry for diner tonight!" She groans and the guys just ignore me. [I actually thought this was all real and my thoughts didn't help, I was thinking about the guy who made sweet potato curry while he was on his polyphasic sleep trials and other thoughts that I'd only get in real life]
I ran out to where the pool was to go to the fridge and couldn't seem to find anything I needed. I walked back calmly, the random spurt of cheer gone. Stopping as I crossed the pool, I noticed the little vacuum pool cleaner was on and shocked that the drain wasn't fully covered [it was near the moving vacuum]. I looked at the giant pool cleaner/cerulean deposit area that looked like a pool itself. "I don't think that was there before," I thought. I almost became lucid thinking about how I live in an apartment complex and don't own a pool but dream logic reasoned, 'but we just moved here of course we'd have a pool.' To believe this all occurred while I was staring at the cleaner thing.
I go back to my wing and we have another case, I had to stop a woman called , "Nako" [who I kept calling Nanako thinking I was saying Nako]. I went undercover and tried to be a random passerby-er who began to talk to her. She got angry, she seemed to have known me from somewhere long ago but I couldn't remember, so that made her all bitchy. She ran off.
Later, after attempting to sneak into her house and visiting one of my male [smoker] colleges for help, I found myself trying to climb up a fire escape ladder.
'Wait a minute, if I just believe, I can grow wings,' I thought, possibly semi-aware that this 'reality' wasn't the actual reality, but not realizing it was a dream. So out grew large, purple wings that vaguely resembled giant bat wings, minus the fuzz. I flew over the building, to find the famous singer/actress Nako screaming as white dragon wings twice the size of mine flap around. A large group of people had gathered around her. I had to stop her before she terrorized them [or else I'd be fired ^^'].
"I'll prove it to you once and for all," Nako screamed.
"Nanako, I don't understand. I don't even know you." And before we could fight, I woke up before my alarm clock yet again, slightly sleepy from using too many things to relax my aching muscles the night before [I used biofreeze, some melatonin, and loads of lavender extract, all for 7 hours of sleep]
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Dream one-
I was at school, in the class with the stupid project of carrying around flour, Parenting Skills [taking because my cousin survived it and I didn't want study hall]. So, I find myself with people who would never be there, people in either my first or sixth period class.
So the natural reaction would to be going 'WTF?!?' Right? Well, dreams never seem to follow those rules so before I have time to freak, I stab a hole in my flour sack's eye. Following a long list of curses, I get over the hole made and go ask a friend on how his sack's doing.
"Kevin? You know, I think we're supposed to have a flour sack, not... that..."
"Nah, you see, it's all good 'cause this bird here's waaayy better than any powder puff," he says, showing me his thrush [it looked like one at least, that or a swallow or sorts].
Lucky him, the bird ends his project early by flying out of the wicket ball and out through an open window right as he shows it to me.
"Smooth buddy, smooth." So I leave him be and realize how disproportionate the place is and how there are way too many kids here with faces I don't recognize [5th period's the only class where I have no clue who's who], I was close to doing an RC but I found a person clad in his trademark green sweater, Freddy.
I chat with him for a bit, it was rather a futile attempt, and end up grabbing some scissors and help out a friend [who I won't name because I've already named too many people already].
Class ends, I take the scissors with me and walk out with unnamed friend.
"Oops, looks like I took the teacher's stuff, oh well..." and I just chuck the pointy metal objects behind me.
I gazed up towards the trees that were supposed to be in our parking lot, only to find huge white pillars in there [and the parking lots'] stead. I realized I was dreaming and the dream ended.
Dream Two-
The trailed for 'Meet the Robinson's' came on and as I watched, things changed into some totally unrelated and obviously dream induced things.
I find myself talking to two large mice who convince me to free them from their twine ropes, only to have an animal [maybe it was a cat] dashes over to chase them.
I follow the mice and, in there rush, they fall into a [used] toilet, now as gross as it may seem, the dream me didn't even hesitate to pluck them out and wash them in the sink along with my hands. That was just gross... at least it was all liquid...
So then, while washing my hands in my parents' bathroom, I wake up before my alarm clock goes off [by about two minutes], attempting not to hyperventilate. That was an odd thing [and i suppose related to my sleep], I haven't hyperventilated in ages and I still have no clue as to why they occur. They might be shock induced but as you can tell, it doesn't take an abrupt sound for it to occur, just waking up triggers it.
I'm going to try to do WBTB's from now on to trigger lucids but first I need to either get my clock from my dad's over here or buy a cheap one. I might forget to reset my alarm if I don't, then my whole family's screwed at getting to work on time. Joy.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Dream One-
I was in a store, looking for clothes to model in. One woman tried to help me and kept commenting on how great the clothes were, I agreed, but when I looked closely, I found out that these clothes weren't all that great, looks wise, material wise, etc.
I remember that the girl said, "Now if we can only find something that's good enough to make you look good," as I picked up a white and gray skirt. It peeved me and I left, heading off towards Wal-mart to go vent while the woman kept pleading for me to come back. It was dark out by then and I would have went to Wal-mart had I not for some reason woke up and sat straight up in my bed, confusingly staring at the VCR that read 12:03. I looked at it again before going back to sleep, it still said the same thing so I figured that I might as well sleep.
I woke up again at 3:42, assuming that I'd awoken just before the alarm went off until I saw the time, I glance at it a few more times before going back to sleep and having a child-themed dream.
Dream Two-
Jimmy Neutron themed, boring and artistically pitiful, even for animation. We were fighting some robot and kept doing so when the sun rose and it regained it's strength, I woke up then.
Random Note-
I talked to my dad yesterday about my Deja vu and how sometimes I change the ends of the deja vu scene in real life and have no clue what else I've changed in life. The reason I was telling him this was because of me remembering that Friday I had the longest Deja vu scene ever, 2-3 minutes of pure Deja vu that remained completely unchanged.
My dad said things I'd never have thought him to say, "You now, maybe it's not so much of deja vu as it is that maybe you're one of those people who have premonitions."
Now this here folks is an extremely odd thing for me to here him say considering he believes it's useless to lucid dream or remember dreams [my mom thinks it's semi-important to remember dreams because of Filipino superstitions and cultural beliefs]. He could be right for all I know, but I just don't know.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Along with a few DC friends and my carpool friend [plus his dad], we traveled in some sort of car to a stadium. While travelling I saw Sam on a jungle gym and we talked. The chat didn't go too well because in the end she doused me in something and I was yelling at her saying, "You've ruined my clothes [I'm shocked that I'd yell at someone over that...]! Do you know what these clothes represent? My culture and my heritage!" Though I was saying that, I was thinking about how these aren't the clothes I bought in the Philippines, but the clothes I wore today [should have realized I was dreaming], but shrugged it off as unimportant.
We arrived at the planned destination and, tempted to take a few blue and yellow nerds boxes along with an electric blue and green shock tarts box, followed my carpool to the stadium.
We passed through a tunnel or went under a highway cross over [though we were inside] and I met a young girl and boy. I asked them what were they up to as we continued to go to the stadium. Their response? "Learning Japanese."
I scolded them [though IRL I too am slowly learning that tongue] saying that it was a waste of time [I think because it wouldn't help them with their future career or something].
Then, oddly enough, my carpool DC friend scolded me saying stuff like, "You shouldn't crush some one's dreams, they could always become real."
I didn't argue and we arrived at the stadium where I saw something old, annoying, and something my nephews and Rai-chan's lil' bro were into.... Pokemon. [I mentally gagged, wondering what's so great about something you're not involved in].
So we watched it, 20 or so of them attacking each other, three types, that's all I remember before I decided to leave at intermission to get some snacks. My carpool DC left with me and we walked through a labyrinth of paths before coming to the stadium exit, where we fled past a tiger with bulls horns and a slightly forked tongue with a lime green stripe down the center.
We got back to where we were staying and we talked, I stole some nerds and shock tarts [though we were saying all 4+ boxes of them for later], and woke up... blah...
The dream has some personal meanings about myself I do believe...
The clothes was probably a representation that no matter how hard I try to deny that I am my father's daughter and that his heritage is not my own, everyone else can see me for both components, the daughter of a Filipino mother and a white man.
The part where I scold the kids and get scolded back is something like, 'don't give up your dreams even if other don't see the value of them' or something along those lines.
Not sure what the rest of the stuff means though...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I remember finding myself suddenly in a restaurant, wondering why I was there [because previously I was elsewhere, I just don't remember where or what]. I shrugged it off [stupid me] and went to look for my friends.
Finding them at a cobalt glass table with a navy blue modern lamp light over it, I realized that Kenny was there along with Daniel, Chelsea, and Brook [I think]. I joined them, sat down, and we chatted until we had to leave and pay the bill.
The dream blurs a between then and now, I find myself with Brook, in a nice hotel with poor quality rooms. She stayed on the bed and I hit an army [Chinese] guy, who popped out of the closet, in the face, breaking his nose [I think, I just know that he was unconscious with blood on and around his face].
Another Chinese army dude came out of the closet and instead of me fighting, both Brook and I ran, the villain of the dream [Caucasian, brown hair, fancy suit, mafia mobster leader maybe] opened the door and we somehow got past him.
While fleeing, I had lost my friend, so I kept sprinting until I left the hotel to find myself either in Tampa or Palm Beach as I meandered past new stores in the warm, comforting sunlight.
I noticed that no one else was out here but me, but I had no clue why. I Ooh-ed and Aw-ed at the hyper realistic textures I felt when I touched things and at how well designed everything was, I almost thought, "I've got to be dreaming" but before I could convince myself of that or do an RC, the villain burst through the window I stared at, revving up his motorcycle-
I found myself back at the hotel with Brook thinking, 'Deja vu! But... that's something they say only happens in your mind... no, that either had to be the dream resetting or me having a vision of what is to come.'
I chose the latter [don't ask how that's more reasonable then a dream resetting], and right when I was going to warn Brook to run as soon as I take out the Chinese people, I woke up to a screaming alarm.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Well, in my dream, I was asleep... until I woke up from the cold. My room wasn't my room, but I must have mistook it for mine. Blue walls, tile flooring, a pile of stuff everywhere. I was in a thick comforter on a white bed. My friend was on the tile, sleeping fine.
I woke her up on accident, though I only stared at her, and she recommended that I fall back asleep, so I did. I had dream of people moving the pyramids in a desert. I ate lunch and talked with them [I've been having more conversations with DCs lately] and woke up after they finished their job.
I found myself in the same room, but this time, I found a jade rubber ball by my side. I threw it and hit someone else [though there were always only two people in that room, me and someone else], he scolded me and told me to go back to sleep.
Then, I dreamt about going to the movies with DC people, I woke up from that when my friends had to go home.
I was in that room again. I didn't wisen up and become lucid, but... I managed to leave the room and walk into my altered kitchen. What I found there makes me wonder how come I acted like it was normal. Miyavi, whining to me about breakfast, staring at me like I was the one who'd make it for him.
We argued, while he sat in my chair [the nerve of rich guys], about what I'd make for breakfast. He wanted chicken. I wanted eggs. And I didn't want to make anything else but a normal breakfast. He spoke English pretty well for a guy who doesn't like Americans, and as far as I know, speaks little English IRL.
Anyways, we argued in Japanese and English, my parents just ignored us and left the house after stealing my coffee. I eventually gave in when he got all pouty on me in his white T-shirt and black chained pants [made him look cool/cute]. I sighed and said that it'd be okay just this once.
The dream ended there but I really thought this dream was interesting not because of Miyavi, though that is sort of cool, but dreaming in dreams.
I know that there was probably someone else in my room because I woke up more than those two times, but each time, a voice kept whispering to me that'd it'd be good if I wen back to sleep, so I did. It was a guy, but I have no idea who [it wasn't the guy I hit with the ball, the voice sounded deep, nothing like the boy's high-pitched whiny one].
Oh well, it'd be better if I kept up with my RCs and had a lucid instead of many consecutive high quality dreams. I didn't even get that slight dream sensation this time, it felt so real to me, I could feel my own heartbeat.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Dream one-
Something about putting baby oil on my nails...
Dream two-
I was stuck at an audition for a play and I, who cannot dance unless half drunk to save my life, am thrown into the 5:26 leading role auditions. The dance moves were simple for everyone but me. All I had to do was a 'hip thrust' [which was actually swing my arms and snap to the beat], a 'jazz' [some funky snake like movement], and something else that has escaped my mind.
So, to prepare for this, I went to an elderly woman's house, a former famous soul singer/dancer, she taught me something dance moves, but none of them were the ones I needed to learn albeit the 'hip thrust.'
I went back to the audition area and some guy kinda taught me how to do the 'jazz' but I was moving to rigidly to do it right.
I went to the director and asked her a few things, and she told me something along the lines of "Mrs. *English teacher's last name* recommended you."
"But my English teacher's not married." An image of my Geometry teacher popped into my head [but she's married to someone else so...]
"Oh, well, here's the letter."
I took it and read it, completely sure that it was my English teacher who wrote it since it was so fluid and proper, the stationary was a seascape background with a manatee.
In the end, I was too intimidated to try out and resigned since I never wanted the position in the first place. One of my friends who was auditioning was relieved while the other girl just smirked at me, like it was because of her I dropped out. The smirking girl got the position.
Dream Three-
Just as life like as the previous dream, so I didn't become lucid but I had full control of the dream [I think it's because of the banana I ate for breakfast].
We, a teacher whom I've never met, a few DC dream friends, and myself, were waiting in a sandstone based valley labyrinth, resting in some form of a natural ledge/bench.
The teacher said a few things and I asked, "Are you a masochist, because I'm a bit of a sadist myself, though I think I'm more of a cynic." [Random but the DCs didn't do anything about it].
The teacher just looked at me funny.
We all ran off because something was coming after me. There were five people after me; two of them where the DC friends (who I could care less if they caught me), Ed from FMA, Envy (Which I thought, 'Hey, it wouldn't be too bad if it was him who caught me'), and the last one was some robotic teddy bear that was after me.
So I ran. And ran. And ran. Eventually, the smartened me summoned a door [without realizing I was dreaming] because I thought, 'Wow, I'm way too lazy for such things, I'll escape by walking through this door here,' while I was resting near the door's future home.
I went in that room, found a weird guy who said he'd let me out if I managed to throw food in his mouth so I magically/psychically flung food at his face and he repelled it in the same way. Luckily, I managed to get some milk in his mouth and escaped via new door.
That new door was really a joke. It led me straight to my dear friend The Persian Teddy Bear, who opened another door for me and let me ride one of those wire things that had some sort of wheel rig on it that's carry across the wire. Too bad my friend was on the evil teddy bear's side. They wanted to revive something called mother and wanted me on there side 'cause I was strong and constantly becoming stronger.
Right when he tried to give 'mother' some 216 weird electro blob, I stole it from him after finding and consuming the 520 blob that he complained I hid from him last time we met [of course I usually tend to get dream memory that gives me the highlight memories of that dream life].
I fled and went out the only door there was to be back in the labyrinth. He tried to send the bear after me warning him, "Don't attack until she's stopped leveling." [I ended up a level 12, which was pretty strong in that dream, like a 120 I guess]
I blasted the beast and ran to the convenience store to pick up a prescription for my dad, wondering if I'd find Ed or Envy there. My dad ended up getting the medicine and leaving.
So then I waited. And waited. And woke up from I guess a lack of either brain or dream activity.
I don't know if that's what you'd consider a lucid dream or not, but I don't so the dry spell seems to be like the weather here, only teasing you with ideas of ending it but not doing so, how farce.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Dream One-
It starts off with me a a friend or two walking out of either a fast food place or a terminal in Japan. We're all giddy, happy to know that we've made it this far on our own [or basically without our parents' help] and that we have a place to stay as well as a job.
Hint one that I was dreaming; when we came to the bridge, giant metal poles that slowly slanted downwards were in place of the bridge. I didn't get the hint so we just slid across either a highway or very well lit river while we joked around in English.
When we got off the bridge, one of my friends was running off towards the direction where the apartments were and I kept yelling at her in English to stop it. Then, I realized that I had attracted unwanted attention since so many people were staring at the American girl [me] as I turned a corner. So, I started speaking Spanish instead [all of us have the same Spanish class so I knew as much as she did], which if you think about it, would still attract a lot of attention.
Hint Two; We reached the apartment complex to find it looking more like some child-like jungle gym/maze. I should have taken that hint too but I just reasoned that our rooms were underneath all that. So we climbed up to the 10th floor, the girl who had ran was in the lead with me behind her with the other girl behind me.
The girl in the lead was about to jump down a hole that'd take you to the 8th floor so I asked, "Where are you going?"
"We're on the tenth floor right," she responded. I nodded. "Well our apartment's on the 8th." With that she jumped and we followed.
We ended up on the sixth floor instead, though it was supposed to take us to the eighth. The girl in the lead yet again was about to jump through a hole and I yelled to stop her when the poles supporting the tarp tunnel the other girl and I were in snapped. I hung onto the poles for my life since those poles had been what was keeping the tunnel's floor stable.
In shock, the lead girl accidentally fell down the hole with a loud SPLOSH! She fell into the gray-brown water below. The girl behind me pushed me as if I was on a swing until I could jump to the other side where she did the same. We climbed down the hole, gripping onto the outside tarp walls for dear life. We spider-crawled to the front of the complex, then went under it [it was oddly designed so it was like the same as if we were on the non-existent 3rd floor], we saw the blue wood that marked the 4th floor and crawled lower to find the white wood of the second floor.
We somehow got in, and I saw a DC that was actually an artist's mafia character, Demos. I got the feeling that we were in a slaughter house of sorts, seeing all those people in ranks stuck in dark surroundings. We found the leader of this, some portly fellow. The rest was kind of blurry but before I knew it I had a knife in his gut and throat while the other girl thrust a knife into his back.
Hint 3; We started talking about some random stuff afterwards, we still didn't find our friend.
I said, "Well now I get 2/3 of the building." [I guess since I stuck two knifes in him?]
The other girl added smiling, "Then that means I get 1/3!"
Dream Two-
It started with me staring at some 8+ blocks on some guys Dreamviews account. I was on and actually had the time to chat for awhile, so I went to this section that was like the buyers lounge or something like that.
Before I know it, I'm in some giant underground warehouse where people from DV were selling stuff. I was unfortunately, low on money [I think I had about 2400 points, don't ask me how or why]. I browsed around, looking at everything from food to woolen clothes to knick knacks and plants.
After gazing at the flowers and plants that attracted them, I saw a guy known as Mr. Proud, he was bald fellow with a gray mustache with a personality that went with his name. I met a few other people as well as the market began to close down and people ran out because of small tremors.
Why they ran some guy with a cane explained to me, "This place has already burnt down before, it was a fire started by an earthquake."
For some reason I thought of the dream I had before and we ran, leaving the building instead of going up the stairs and re-entering [the guy with a cane went across the street] to fins myself on the first floor of the apartment complex I was supposed to be staying in.
There, I witnessed a lovey-dovey couple reunite and that was my 'happy ending.'
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I've had many dreams since my last post, 12 in total, though I only remember the past two nights clearly-ish. I'll just key it in as it resurfaces in my mind...
Dream One-
I know that when I woke up Saturday I had one non-lucid dream. I started off in some sort of lab in the middle of no-where, fields of green the held random trees that where scattered about. The lab guy was a fat guy who had kept the girls separate from the guys [at first I didn't even know that there were guys there]. He was just weird...
I remember losing my hands to meat cleavers in ex-change for a better, non-segregated place that was made of tan bricks, had bars on the windows and technology [refrigerator, beds, kitchen, bathrooms, etc]. He told me that everyone who went there had to give up something.
It didn't matter, the pain was brief. The blood, forgotten when I saw a wondrous chalk drawing that a guy in a hospital dress drew, explaining to me that it didn't matter where his was or what the conditions were, he'd always be happy because he could escape this reality and move onto the next. My hands eventually grew back.
I wandered around, meeting people, discovering the newly built area of living quarters as I did so. There were no bars on the windows, so I tried to escape. I flew out, even hid on the ancient Chinese style tiles, and just could seem to fly high enough. I woke up feeling trapped and caged.
Dream Two-
Forgotten? I remember the mall, goodness that place is becoming my prison, so many dreams there... but nothing more.
Dreams 3-5 and 6-9 -
Don't remember anything, didn't have time to. I was awoken by an annoying knock on the door interrupting my 12 hour nap [sleep, nap, the same thing to me] on 3-5. I woke up from ducks calling out to one another on dream 6-8. And then I just forgot 9.
Dream 10 [Aka 03.14.07]-
I was at school, I got there late carrying lots of unneeded things. It was an unlucky day. A DC told me I had freckles on my brows, I had all the wrong things needed, I didn't get a ride home, and my bike was at home.
I should have took the ride that dude in the blue car gave me but I was too wary of the fact that though he may seem nice, he could just be a guy looking for a gullible girl. So I walked, my back complained of the weight I carried and I had many blocks left to go.
I cut through an elementary school as a short cut home and saw my Science teacher from last year there along with an annoying DC from real life who insults me everyday [so I just normally do the same]. I ended up helping him escape though the same way I came in when a 3rd grade girl on roller blades came yelling at me, acting like I'm a hoodlum trying to trash their school.
I proved her wrong and she helped me escape, the police came after me and I scurried down a drain pipe, jumping when I was two stories from the ground. I hit the ground hard in a bed of soft soil and the police came at me. Somehow, I was released and returned to some people in a red truck, waking up to a loud dog's barking.
Dreams 11-12-
I know I had many dreams but I'll cut it to two since I can't really remember the rest.
The first dream, a long one, began with me in a McDonalds eating french fries. I peeled off the random monopoly copy-cat stickers on the bottom of the cardboard to get my friends to shut up.
It said something about winning a super man and I find this 5 year old bully at our table. He proved that he was superman and got kidnapped my Magneto [how random]. So I peel off the next sticker to find it blank and buy more french fries to see if I'd win someone else. I do and they get all the bad guys to chase the three of us away and we run off to the woods [the Redwoods I believe].
I flew behind my friends to try to get back our stolen people and distract the enemies while the girl flew off and the guy just sped away. I managed to copy the enemies supersonic blasts and read their attacks before they occurred.
Then my dream is interrupted by a random dream that included an Itachi who never seems to murder me [mar me at the worst], which was ended by a cat who wanted to get out of the room and kept mewing in my face.
The first dream comes back and I'm starting to lose to my enemies [it's nighttime by then].
Suddenly I find myself safe, at the Grammy awards, sitting on the corner of the awards stage. I mentally respond with 'WTF, I don't even watch these sort of things, why am I here?' I guess I could have become lucid then, but I had to pull out an MP3 player that had satellite TV on it to be sure. I see the same stage with the same people on it with yesterday's date and 'gramy' added onto the screen.
So I sit on the stage, pondering why I'm here when some DC comes up to me and asks something relatively similar to 'why's a pretty girl who's fortunate enough to be this close to the stars so glum.' I look up to him but never get the chance to respond.
The dream kind of 'resets' and I'm back at the village with the McDonalds but with some other people wearing Golden Sun styled clothes. I wander around the village/town, talking/asking people how to get to the woods [which was some ways up the mountains and past this desert]. When I leave the town to go through the desert, I wake up to cramped legs and an aching back [which is why I don't like to share beds if I'm stuck near the wall, I tend to get a bad night's sleep].
Friday, March 9, 2007
Dream one- It was so short yet so vivid and I can't seem to grasp this dream right now, I'm virtually clawing at smoke that's being blown away from me... All I can tell you right now is that it wasn't a fun dream, and it was relevant to something... Gee, i should have really written these dream down...
Dream Two- I was stuck with my dad and this dream had a more life-like quality to it. Which was why I ran away, ran into the psychotic woman twice [I mean like the kind that when they get drunk, they'll laugh while their being homicidal like someone just told them a great joke]. She was about 18, short dark hair, tattoos on one arm, cocky attitude, beer drinker who I think had a switchblade on her.
When I met her the second time, I thought I'd try to be nice and talk with her [we were sitting at a store's bar], but that only made me run back to my dad's.
When I got back there, he was in his work uniform and we were going to leave. Fog had made its way into the dream, giving this a horror/macabre vibe. I ran in the middle of the road for no reason where a hole filled with mud and water caught my eye as something glinted. Just like how I am in real life, I stopped moving abruptly, and even though a yellow car was coming my way, I fished out two dimes. Thankfully, the yellow car turned down the road, preventing my step-mother from freaking out.
I was plastered in mud [though I only stuck my hand in the hole] and went back to my dad's home [which looked a lot like my neighbor's old 1950s home at this point]. He wouldn't let me clean myself off, saying that we'd be late. So I didn't do that but I did do something he didn't want me to do.... then I woke up.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
I should kick myself in the head for my carelessness. I had three dreams but I have totally lost the first two since I decided when I woke up at 4:47, 'Oh, well, I'm sure I won't fall back asleep so I couldn't possibly forget them...' Next thing I know, I'm sleeping... such a smarty.
This dream was one based on my Spring Break plans, visit a close friend of mine who knows about my dreams but I've never told her of LDs... I was at her place and began to scheme on how to keep her brother out of our hair while still watching him. We even tried to buy a nanny online but I forgot to bring $20 with me so that was a no go, the last thing I remember before waking up was her trying to pop my leg back into place [weird...]. A few other random things happened to me in that dream including a refrigerator and her dog but it's all fuzzy.
On random note, I'll tell you how she reacted to my dream when I told it to her.
[The one I had the night before]
Me- "Is it possible for a Baku to have pink hair? Or even to be human?"
Her- "Yeah, I'm sure it is..."
Me- "What about getting them exorcised? I thought that they were the good guys..."
Her- "Well, they're technically demons so I'm sure it can."
Me- "What if it's preformed by a human?"
Her- "..." [Like a no duh it can happen response]
Me- "Well, then that guy in my dreams exorcised him by using golden light that came out of his hands..."
Her- "Then he probably wasn't human Michelle"
Me- "Oh..."
So yeah, like I said, random. While I'm at it, I think the golden light may have been chakra, I have been practicing Reiki much more this week than the last so that might have been a symbol for something about the Solar Plexus chakra [I think that's the chakra with the golden color...]
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Another school dream. We were told to evacuate and went to a field in the middle of the IB portables where me and my classmates sat. I found Sato-kun, a friend of mine who goes to school in the school I was in last year. He was so pale and sickly looking in this dream, maybe I should have asked him today if he wasn't feeling well...
Anyways, when I found him, I was compelled to give him a set of lab tubes and a tube rack, each one filled with different powdered chemicals. I thought it would be nice for him to keep busy with it while I tried to find out why we were outside still, I don't know, I just felt like it'd be bad for him to talk to my classmates...
I ended up talking to an Indian boy with lovely dark hair, he told me about the elephant stampede that killed many people on his homeland and somehow I felt as if I'd had a similar experience and could relate.
Mish stared at me funnily after that until a bunch of green snakes began to invade the ground people sat on. Sato-kun was fine so I was more of worried about me at the time. [I know I haven't been whistling at night recently so evil spirits or snakes couldn't have been brought into my dream from those superstitions]
Everything after that was blurry until a tall guy in a black trench coat with ear piercings with short white hair that was tinted pink entered my vision. I know that the ground was made of gray concrete and it was just me and him there. I felt like I could trust him and believed throughout that whole dream that he was a Baku [not the capital, the beast] but he wasn't an animal...
He led me around and comforted me. I noticed that his hair seemed to be growing and turning straw blond as I spent time with him. Some guy showed up, and, rather randomly, realized that the chemicals I gave Sato-kun could blow up snakes, and I was suddenly back at school, the Baku and guy with me as well.
The place was being bombed and Sato-kun was nowhere in sight. Then the scene went back to the concrete place, Baku and guy too, when I attempted to look for him. At the end of the dream, the guy expelled the Baku with a golden light, the Baku's hair platinum and down to his mid-thigh.
I woke up as it happened and couldn't get back to sleep, so I spent the whole extra 30 minutes thinking about my dream. Do these dreams prove that I'm superstitious or just show that I know a lot of superstitions?
PS- The potato flower from the night before looked exactly like this except the flower faded into white at the edges of the petals.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Dream one- I almost forgot about this one... It wasn't interesting either. I was taking the FCAT in a garden in school [which doesn't exist] and my 5th period teacher was my proctor. I spent the whole dream reading boring stories of circus bears and people with puppies.
Dream 2- A dream I just have to love because of the details, I'd describe every little detail but this was one of those dreams where even your perception is realistic, in my dreams it tends not to be that way. It was Harvest moon themed with me being a blond haired Jill with two younger siblings.
I was in the town and was all happy to finally be doing well enough to support my siblings, though I'd only been there for a short time. I thought of one of my friends and remembered that they went off to another town, a rich one, and ran off to find them.
There I met someone, his face was blurred and physical features lost in my head, who gave me a gold anthrom [no idea how that word is spelt] or gold modifier as it was also called and told me to go through these plains I'd need this to purify/remove the gold. He told me that it can't be purified without this, he'd let me borrow his, and also explained that unpurified gold was worthless here. I took his anthrom/modifier which came in the form of golden brass knuckles and kept punching my way through walls. [The moment the anthrom/modifier hit the unpurified gold, it diminished into small 1 oz sized nuggets].
When I reached the end of the plains, the Witch gave me a red card with a fat blue stripe and white line over the red. They were similar playing cards but I couldn't see the front, the deck fit into a Popsicle tube. She told me that with this I could teleport to and fro places I've visited on the map.
I took the cards and ran to my friends' mansion and tried to convince her to come back with me. She didn't want to because she was hosting a party [a boring one] for her 'friends.' She brought out a lot of chocolate and I could already feel my mouth go dry and head hurt from it. Guess it was a good thing I gave it up for Lent [took much choco has always given me headaches]. Her 'friends' left her, and she learned that they were only friends for her money so she was more than happy to come with me.
We left to go back to town via the West Gate, which was like an airport tunnel/gate. I watched the Witch try to climb up there, and I followed suit as the rich DC blabbed on and on about how she owned that gate and where it led to. We were back in the field but it was different, lush long blades of grass and a variety of flowers awaited us there.
This was where I tended to plant my crops, the rich girl never minded me doing so. We picked flowers for the boys in our town as the rich girl sulked a bit. [FYI, I guess since the Witch was with me still, she must be my friend] I though about the mysterious guy in the fields and his anthrom and modifier, wondering how I'd give it back to him, but then I thought, 'well, I'm sure he'll get it back somehow.' I didn't even check for where it was on me, I just kept looking at the blooming potato flowers.
I attempted to pull up several potato crops/plants[?] but they we're ready yet so I only managed to rip off their flowers and stems, white milky sap dripping out of its kind of fat stem. [I've never touched potato flowers before or seen its sap so I'm going to see if my dream was accurate] I picked an array of other flowers too, hues of blues violets and soft reds.
I gave some to the Witch, she ended crumpling them up as she got angry at the rich girl for whining. It didn't hurt my feelings, I already knew what kind person the Witch was and how she tended to act so oh well. We got back to the village and just as the Witch was saying we'd make sugar candy [rock candy?] without the rich girl if she didn't come along, I found a red bucket behind cubby-hole shaped boulders. The Witch was happy, and for some reason, I thought of dipping the flowers in there to get rock candy [dream logic of course].
I had to run back to the house for a bit and my little brother kept bugging me about stuff as I fetched a map. I could see the clouds move, ships, and planes pass by, the secret path to a small island [which was shown with moving drops of water], but no well. I ended up pissing off my brother as I left my bag and flowers in my room on top of my blue cotton sheets, causing him to pelt me with pebbles [via sling shot]. Funnily enough I thought about using some of today's money I made for buying a sword to ward him off.
I found the well, remembering it from a past Harvest Moon dream in a Village similar, if not the same, as this one. The Witch was there and she made me get the water as we discussed who we would give our flowers to. I ended thinking about the black haired Indian/Merman that lived in the pond near the beach, but decided that since it's not fish, he'd be complaining about the gift.
I ended up leaving the red bucket by the well and going to bed, I have no clue why, the Witch didn't stop me and my siblings didn't bug me so I had one fairly good dreamless sleep.
My sister and brother woke me up in the morning by stealing my bed sheets and loudly saying, "Be sure to make lots of money today!" They said that a lot, it's like their version of good morning.
I grabbed my flowers with me and as soon as I went outside I saw two guys waiting on me.
"Chauru?" I was puzzled. It was Gray but in that dream his name was Chaud and, I guess in my case, Chauru. "What are you doing here?"
"Hey Misha [seems to be an alias I go by in my sleep]," he shrugged at me. "I ran away from home today. It seems that one of my mom's friends didn't know about me going to school in the country side when I was really little." My brain filled in the blanks. That woman must have said something along the lines of school in the country side = school for mentally retarded.
"How long are you going to stay here," I asked him, sorrow in my heart. He was a sensitive guy.
He shrugged in reply and left me with the other guy.
"What're you doing here Blue," I said to the guy who would officially be the Doctor or Tim, whatever you want to call him. He smiled and we talked for a bit then I woke up, not getting to give anyone a flower.
Monday, March 5, 2007
First Dream-
I spent the whole time annoying my father by complaining in Spanish, complaining in Tagalog, and insulting him in English. I had fun with it, but now that I think of it, that must have been kind of hard/hurtful for him...
Second Dream-
I was at my parents' friend's house sitting around at a large table, drinking. At the table included me, my parents, their friends [who were a couple], and their son who was about 17 or 18.
I should have realized it was dream then since that couple haven't had kids together and I've met their son from the woman's previous marriage.
Anyways, there were two kinds of drinks, one called Livido, the blue drink, and one called Levédo or Levódo, the pink drink. For some reason, I was assuming it was Spanish, a verb at that, and kept trying to conjugate it with Levédó or Levedes... I wonder if that's anything important.
I kept drinking the blue drink, like everyone else. The son of the couple kept trying to offer to refill my drink for me but I refused, I guess it was his attempt to talk with me because he didn't say anything more to me after that.
The dream ended after I went up to the table where the two drinks were, both of them labeled and in clear lemonade pitchers. I decided that maybe it'd be nice to try the pink drink, and everyone watched as I poured it into my clear plastic cup, they had an expression on their faces but I can't really tell you whether it was in horror, surprise, or joy since I caught those actions from the sides of my eyes. I drank it, and I have no clue what happened after that.
Third Dream-
The shortest one of them all, I think it's because I was just entering the REM cycle and a few minutes later my alarm went off, but oh well.
I was in front of this really well kept Academy. Well trimmed grass, beautiful white buildings that gave off an air of sophistication, and lots of people.
I noticed people were heading to the cafeteria or welcome hall, it was called one or the other, when a girl asked me, "You do have you're acceptance paper with you, don't you?"
I had a flashback of me throwing it out, it was dated for March 3rd [important only because some other girl got hers on Dec. 22nd]. I was thinking, 'typical me, when something goes right, you do something wrong.'
The dream ended then, me being carried towards that building, mentally unsure of what to do, yet somehow calm and at ease with myself.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Last night's dreams are a bit fuzzy, maybe because I didn't have time to doze off today...
It all started off with me finding out how to cause the end of the world, it was by gaining control of certain powers that were set up in ancient times to trigger the end of the world when it was decided time.
I happened to be travelling the world, for who knows why, and I touched a certain relic that triggered one of the few remaining untouched triggers. Instead of causing some form of pandemonium, the energy, in the form of red light, went inside my body, I freaking absorbed it!
Some British [antagonist] guy saw it and knew that I would have to be the one, along with the last trigger, that would get what he wanted done, the Apocalypse.
So, we had this long race to the last trigger which was in a cave, in Japan I'm assuming. The competitive race included me jumping out of a helicopter into the blood streaked sky just to avoid becoming his tool, that guy was pretty serious in attempting to brainwash me in saying that all the power is his power so no matter what I do, I'll aid him in the end to reach his goal. That, my friends, gave me some serious mental conflicts for a whole evening in the dream, I didn't sleep that much and dawn was soon approaching [without me getting even an hours worth of sleep] as I reached the cave. If you're wondering how that's possible, an architect who was at the dig site I happened to find the relic in [well not really a relic, an ancient water fountain]
So, I went through a labyrinth of violet cave walls as I dodged him as if my life was on the line. I finally reached the last trigger site, and activated it, the energy turned purple and was absorbed by me again. The British guy got all pissy and after some more running, this time to a hole in the ceiling to get out of the cave quicker [I don't know how I knew or was able to jump up there but I'm not complaining].
When I left the cave, I was greeted by Naruto characters, Kakashi, Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura. [I blame trying to help a classmate find a good Japanese name for his Kenshin based character for his short story, we got off topic and started talking about anime; Trigun, Kenshin, Naruto]
"You done yet," Kakashi asked me.
I stared at a pensive Sasuke briefly, thinking, 'That's strange,' and just shrugging it off and aceppting this as real. "Yeah..."
Naruto teased me a bit saying something along the lines of, "Gee, it too you long enough! I'm starving here!"
I hit him, Kakashi hits him, Sasuke scoffs, and Sakura scolds him with a "Naruto!"
The British bad guy was long forgotten and I was thinking about when we'd hurry up and get back to the Academy, it's not the one in the shows, but the one I've created in a previous, non-lucid dream. [It was a lovely place that you'd think was meant for rich kids but was actually the ninja Academy in disguise since the secret villages existed no more and everything was set in modern times, the principal/Hokage Tsunade was the Prime minister as well so it was easy to hide it.]
Then, I got to feel the great sensation of one dream ending and another beginning in a similar setting as the caves but it was a secret organization/lab. There was a talked golden retriever, me, and some other guy.
We were running amok and needed to get back to our base [to prevent giant worms with brains that made their heads look like pink wormy grapes wouldn't invade us].
When we did get there and jump into the entrance via some pipe, the dog asked, "Is this safe?" because he noticed all the red 'rust' stains in the pipe, outside of the pipe [because at one point the pipe disappears for a bit and you have a free fall into a giant funnel], and on the ground 100 or so feet below.
"Well, they do have health insurance that covers this now." The other person responded
I was watching from the side lines by then, jumping down on the surface of metal structures, not wanting to go down the pipe. Yes, you had to at first, but if you're quick you could jump down the rest of the way if you made a careful move where it was a free fall.
Then, I woke up, stupid alarm.